Sunday, October 20, 2013

Missed another one..

That one too!  But apparently they are put in chronological never mind seeing them out of order...sorry!!!

see ya on the go 'round

Uh...sorry these are out of order...

The last two posts I just put up probably need a bit of explanation.  I had made these into a draft, unknowingly, and just now posted them, well after the fact.  Read previous briefs if you wanna catch up!

Computer security and genealogy...yeah that's totally interesting!

I guess today is the day for tweaking my laptop.  It didn't start out that way, but that's how it progressed.  Kim Komando did it to me!  Russ sent me an email from her and it was chock full of how to keep your computer secure.  I am so confused now, I pray my 'puter IS smarter than I am and remembers all of the stuff I just did to (for) it!  It was reassuring to know that my anti-virus program was one of tree she mentioned.  Russell (my son)  put me on to AVAST! and it has been working great.  

On the other hand, malware and spyware and ad ware and whatever kind of other "ware" there is has attacked me repeatedly.  With any luck what I did today will help alleviate those problems.  

When I sat down here, I had intended to work on genealogy.  I only have four more days of Ancestry before my six month subscription runs out.  I will work on what the site still lets me do until another low-cost subscription.  Right now that's the only way I can afford to subscribe to it.  Anc:-estry has provided lots of "leaves" for me to investigate and they have produced fantastic results.  I am hooked.  Hope I win the lottery soon so I can subscribe forever!  Oh, win you have to buy at least one ticket!  Guess that form of income is out then... :-(  

I could sit here for hours rambling on and on...but since I am the only one who ever reads this, I can just think, and not waste my precious fingers!  

See ya on the go 'round...