Friday, May 13, 2011

Testing the connection here to my BlackBerry! Hope it works!

Looking back...50 years and counting!!

The years have gone by so quickly it seems. Tomorrow will be the 50th wedding anniversary of my sweetheart and I. The few lows have been quite low, the highs outweighing them by far, our love growing through thick and thin. Just like a garden, love takes care and nurturing. Without constant weeding and watering, danger lurks, in the form of weeds that take over. I liken weeds to a withering of love, if not remembered daily, by both partners in love.

Love is a lot of work but is made easier when two are pulling together in the same direction. Hand-holding in the park, smooching in the movie and caring more about the other than yourself. These are the things it takes to stay together. Commitment is prime. It is so easy now-a-days for couples to ed a relationship over relatively minor issues. They may seem insurmountable to overcome when you are in the middle of them, but that is why it is so important to step back and take a breath before making life-changing decisions.

Our lives, mine and Russ', have taken us across oceans, continents, to other countries and back. The family we have created from our love grows and grows. We look at the children we have born and are in wonderment at what we started! Five children have turned into, at last count today, fourteen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.....and counting!

From California to Japan and back again, our life began as a three year honeymoon. Our baby son was with us and we loved every minute of our time in foreign lands. California again and two girls later found us a few years later buying a farm in Missouri, where we took up residence and for the next five years created another little part of our Eden. The ground and I were both quite fertile, it seems and two more kiddies were brought forth...a boy and a girl, only 13 months apart.

Not long after the lat birth, we changed farms, going from the 130 acres to a little 20 acre plot. This is really not a history! I am just touching the high spots!

Manhattan, Kansas became our home for several years after that, about 10 of them, I believe. Hawaii became our home for about four years while I attended Brigham Young University, in Laie. It was a great time for Russ and I but school was a bit of a trial for the our two youngest still at home. So very few words here, for this time, but that belongs in a real history!

Colorado, then back to Missouri. And here we are, having planted children in lives of their own, growing their own little 'weeds', and turning them into flowers. As gardens do, this one continues to multiply, adding little flower treasures to our family generations.

I am going all maudlin on y'all! Memories take me back to early times and make me wish I were there again, starting all over again. Not much would I really change, just a few things. But then who knows what havoc that would wreak on the world! You never know, but remember how the flutter of the wings of a butterfly in the Amazon is said to be able to cause hurricanes far away.

So, my happy reader, this is our life in a very tiny nut shell. As time goes by, there may be more here on this very same subject, but then maybe not!

Come back an find out!!!

See ya on the go 'round