Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a note on sleep...and gardens

Sleep. It happens just before arising for the day. Usually. But there are times that it can elude you....When that happens, you have several choices, not necessarily in this order: 1-ignore it and try harder. (Not the best choice!) 2-get up and brewa cuppa herbal tea or warm milk. 3-arise and sit quietly reading. 4-watch t.v. ( a sure-fire winner for staying awake ALL night!) 5-The ever-favorite choice: 'Honey, I can't sleep!"

In his sleep, he automatically begins rubbing my back...just enough and long enough to distract me from my problem. Sometimes it really works!!! Sometimes. The rest of the time I slip out of bed and walk around the house a while before settling down in front of the old 'puter.

And guess who benefits? All you lucky/unlucky pepes. (people) And my LDS Online Journal....that is private,however. THIS I share!!!

At the moment I am attempting to copy what I write here into there. We will see how my computer skills have improved with this new trick!

Well, since I have your attention and you appear interested, I will tell you about our beautiful Willow Pond Ranch. Named for the big, used to-be-regal willow tree, quite knocked about by the horrific ice storm we had last year or so ago. Russ and I missed it...we were in King of Prussia, PA attending a meeting...Darn...we heard it was quite impressive/scary/sad to hear all the trees snapping from the weight of all that ice. Sounded like a battlefield, I am told. Anyway, the big willow was a casualty of that ice storm. Still big branches down that we can't seem to get to, but she did a great covering act this spring and just sprouted her heart out till all the gaping holes were covered.

I digress...am good at that! Last summer one of our two riding lanwn mowers , older one, went on vacation and boy, do we miss him. I say HIM because he is the work horse, tank and eater of tall grass and small bushes. We hope to coax him to good health soon...one mower doesn't do well by itself on this place. If it were up to me, I would throw out 20 pounds of wildflower mix and let nature take her course!!! Cut paths through it to easily reach all of the buildings and my several flower spots and garden swing, but other than that, just a few bouquets now and then!!!!

Speaking of flower spots, I had been giving some thought to a sunny garden, full of sun-loving beauties, in the middle of the lawn east of my garden swing. Most of the plantings here onthe place when we purchased it, were spring bulbs, to be seen for a short while then back to sleep again. I missed a lot of color in the summer. Sooooo, last summer while Russ' brother and sister were out to help us with a couple of projects, Patti and I began the task of my sunny garden. She calls it the kidney bean because of its shape but ,nay, it is not called that by me!!! Sunny garden it is!

That summer, we dug out its edges to clarify its shape. It was mid 90's so it was not easy work...and it was quite large...larger every minute we were there!! Edges were a good place to stop! (Thank you Patti!)

In the fall, as we mowed grass twice a week, we piled all those clippings on the inside of the 'bean' (!) so to kill the grass to make it easier to til in the spring. IT WORKED!! When I drug out the tiller, and revved her up, she went through that sunny garden spot like it was butter! Took me more time to prep the tiller than to dig the soil. Smoothed it out a bit, carved a shape of a smaller 'bean' in the center and made the first recipients of a new home a variety of colors of gladiolus. THAT is another long story...gladiolus...save for another day!

As new inhabitants are brought in and established, I will expound!

...see ya on the go 'round...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Needed a little pick-me-up this morning, hence the color text. For some insane reason, I was up at 7AM today!!! What do I do now? This is by far too early for me..well....I could make a BIG breakfast for my darlin'.....or go out and see what the garden looks like at this time of day...it may not happen again for quite some time!! As you can see, I chose to check in on the old email...and found that one of my daughters has begun blogging!! So here am I....following her! My blog has been started since October of 2004 and has exactly TWO...count 'em...2....entries until today! I can do better than that, surely.

I am sitting at the dining room table, gazing at the smooth, not-a-ripple-in-it lake in our five acre front yard. Before my eyes can stay quite that far, however, I see that an enterprising little bird is trying to build a home on the fan blades of the fan on the front porch ceiling, just outside the door. Can't have THIS happen again...VERY messy...so I have turned on the fan to put the kibosh on THAT homemaking project!!! I know....I hear a collective AAAAAAWWWWW from all of you! You would understand if you were the one cleaning the table of cute little droppings every time you wanted to sit out there and enjoy the evening view! I moved their last years nest out to a tree for them...what more can I do!? Go, little bird, go....try a tree this year.

Last week, Russ and I cleaned up the 'square foot garden' we made and used last year. Ready for a zuchhini! Or something.... We will add one more this year...that will be three...including the one full of strawberry plants...kind of permanent, I guess! the others we will rotate, like the good little Master
Gardeners we are!

When we first purchased this 30 acre heaven, we used the corral out by the barn for a traditional garden patch...rows and all. Did not turn out well...the weeds just kept ahead of us...and of course, it seems like every time we plant, we go away for a week or so (like visiting my mom, or his sisters) and we come back to a jungle! So nix that for now...We let it go back to nature.

Well, I am getting hungry myself, now, so I believe it is time to rev up the old waffle maker!! Sizzle a couple of 'wild pig' sausage patties (from a friend...I don't do the hunting-of-dangerous-wildlife thing!) Soooo....

...see ya on the go 'round!